For Clinics

Looking to promote accurate, reliable, sex-positive discussions in your clinic about anal pleasure and health?

Check out these resources!

Client-Facing Print Materials

Posters for walls and palm cards for waiting areas, in English & Spanish, to promote discussion with clients, and a “Bubble Sheet” of frequently asked questions to help you frame discussions with clients.

Intake Forms

Intake questions for your electronic medical record or other intake paperwork. Two versions: one for anal pleasure & health, and another for general sexual pleasure & health.

G.O.A.L.S. Framework
for Sexual History Taking

Detailed guidance for sexual history taking in a sex-positive, affirming way to reduce bias. Includes a 3-part video series and a pocket guide!

National STD Training Website

Resources for clinicians on various sexually transmitted infections, including STIs
that impact anal health.

Anal Pleasure & Health for Medical Clinicians

A peer-reviewed article in Nature Review about sources of pleasure and anal health conditions with anatomical diagrams, and an algorithm for screening and treatment.

Northeast/Caribbean AIDS Education and Training Center

Resources from our partners who have helped to implement our project. Plenty of options for continuing education and technical assistance!

Southeast AIDS Education
and Training Center

Resources from our partners who have helped to implement our project. Plenty of options for continuing education and technical assistance!